How to be a good actress?
I am a 11-year-old girl. How to be a good actress? Can someone answer me, please? If anyone answer me, I will make him/her as my 知識友! If that person that already answer me has some questions, I will answer him/her. Thx a lot.^^
How to be a good actress? Ans:-An actress is a lady whose job is acting in plays or films or on TVB=who acts in a play or films or on TVB. Take a measure of her eg:-Ms Chen Yan Mei of Vancouver,wife of Chen Ho;particular quality,feeling or activity;and how she attains a measure of success. If you say that there is no substitute for her quality, you mean that it is the only thing which is really satisfactory. Try join the TVB actress training course Or other courses.NB The printed script is no substitute for personal discussion between actress. A mark is a point given for a correct answer or for doing something well in an actress competition.How can you award me 5 marks ? Thx a lot. ^ _ ^
還是要去 http://aaashops。com 品質不錯,老婆很喜歡。 呄偺兙卥乭伴功刟|||||How to be a good actress?to drop yourself off + to measure/to substutute other's foot as yourself.|||||你條問題係講你將來既職業,定係功課,可唔可以講清楚D 如果唔係人地好難答你。