


說清楚先,我只想知歷史,因為教科書冇講,同埋戰爭係戰爭,殘酷的 唔係想抵毀盟軍的功績 只想知道歷史同埋事實 呢條問題就係想問其實二戰盟軍有沒有戰爭罪呢? 以我所知盟軍的戰爭罪都係對日...歐洲就好少聽 例如東京大轟炸,沖繩事件(日本仔搵市民做擋箭牌) 仲有德軍集中營戰俘大屠殺(抵死既,我在場的話都會拿起BAR射個德軍) 咁我就想知美英盟軍有冇搞好似納粹果D大妓院,萬人坑 市民大屠殺呢類戰爭罪行呢? (好有興趣想知因為wiki冇講,但係冇講=冇發生過?) 希望有相關人士可以俾資料我 謝謝





呢條問題就係想問其實二戰盟軍有沒有戰爭罪呢? Before answeing your question, you need to define the meaning of War Crime. In the heat of war. Civilian will always be killed, that is for damn certain. War crime can be defined as act to violate the law of War. If you need to further define it, small things such as forcing POW to march is considered as War Crime. Did Western Allied Committed War Crime? Yes, of course. But in what degree? Aside from occasional shooting of civilian and POW (Which you can find a really detailedincident report in wikipedia and internet, which i am not going to mention here), the major warcrime contribution from allied soldier is the Carpet Bombing and Misuse of Medical Ship. According to Geneva Convention and Hague Convention, a war can only be conduct in a fashion that minimise civilian casuality. Unrestricted Bombing on Military and Civilian Target is consider warcrime of sort, especially in Hamburg Bombing from 1941-1945. Where USAAF and RAF element bomb the city of hamburg round the clock. Another War crime committed by Allied soldier is the misuse of Medical/Hospital Ship. Allied tend to uses Medical Ship to transport live personal with weapon in bid of getting pass by Sub screen in the Atlantic Ocean. Some Hosptial even goes as far to transport live ammunition (Which is forbidden under law of war). The use of medical ship to transport military supply usually leads to other war crime committed against itby the other side. If you want to know more on the subject, you can refer to AHS Centaur Which Imperial Japanese sink Australian Hosptial Ship Centaur who believe they are carrying live ammunition. On the other note, i just want to say something, i think steven have gotten the facts wrong about Malmedy Massacre. It should be German SS elemnent Excute US POW because they cannot take POW for ablitz assault not the other way around. 2010-03-19 07:48:15 補充: Although Allied soldier did committe numeral warcrime to avenage Malmedy Massacre. Even go as far as for General Eisenhower to issue no POW order to all german force after the incident unfold 2010-03-19 07:48:16 補充: Although Allied soldier did committe numeral warcrime to avenage Malmedy Massacre. Even go as far as for General Eisenhower to issue no POW order to all german force after the incident unfold 2010-03-19 07:48:18 補充: Although Allied soldier did committe numeral warcrime to avenage Malmedy Massacre. Even go as far as for General Eisenhower to issue no POW order to all german force after the incident unfold


炮兵兄有兩個point小弟有不同意見,無論東京大轟炸或核武攻擊,小弟堅持呢個係盟軍為消滅日魔既必要行動,而且日魔亦絕對抵死,任何一個想匡扶正道既正義之士都應該支持呢兩次攻擊,小弟絕對反對稱它們為暴行。 另外,據小弟所知,沖繩平民既被殺並非全部都係盟軍所為,而且盟軍亦非刻意屠殺平民。興塞班島既情形一樣,據我所知,沖繩平民有不少係被日魔所殺。 講到盟軍既暴行,如果唔將蘇軍包括在內,咁我唸到既就只係嗰單所謂既“馬爾美地大屠殺”(Melmedy Massacre)。大致情形係於突出部戰役(Battle of Bulge)時,美軍某部隊俘虜左大約百幾個德軍,但由於呢班美軍要前進,無法帶走戰俘或交比其他友軍,於是處決呢班戰俘並將佢地就地掩埋。 成件事根本就被極度誇張,殺戰俘係戰爭期間無時無刻都發生,德日魔軍更不止殺俘,而係極大規模屠殺生靈,點解無人搵佢地算帳,反而要埋怨美軍殺幾個微不足道既納粹人渣﹖西方文明最大既缺點就係偽善,呢個缺點完全係佢地對馬爾美地事件上表露無違,真正變態既唔去追究到底及徹底消減。點解佢地會咁唸野﹖因為鬼佬普遍偽善,佢地做人最緊要係對所有人表面客客氣氣及擺出一個道貌岸然既態度。佢地最緊張係維持呢個偽君子既形象,但對於任何事件背後既真正道德責任、意義及公平性完全無興趣,呢個就係點解鬼佬好怕而唔鐘意講道德,因為其實佢地既道德水平麻麻(雖然已經很不錯),佢地好怕比人知道自己其實係偽君子。你絕無可能要鬼佬,尤其係美國人公開接受屠殺德日魔既必要性,因為佢地怕比人話佢地無道德。所以雖然佢地因為生存需要必須徹底消滅德日魔軍,但肯定會扮晒野同性德日人民,亦肯定要翻箱到籠搵自己既“暴行”來“鄧”勻輿論,不過咁唔代表佢地既道德高尚無比。鬼佬日日都講猶太人被屠殺,講到好似殺左佢地父母咁,你聽過佢地曾經為中國被屠殺既三千萬人、蘇聯被屠殺既一億人、東南亞被屠殺既數百人抱不平﹖好多鬼佬索性話自己對呢啲野全然無知!無論佢地係真假無知都好,都證明鬼佬其實道德水平實在麻麻,所以雖然小弟一向十分感激當年美蘇英帶領全球消滅暴政,但事實上見到呢班偽君子係度鬼打鬼都幾心涼。|||||Allied war crimes during World War II 2010-03-17 20:31:17 補充: I watched these before . Just type "War Crime" you can easy find it

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