求 Epson Printer Lock 機 解救方法
部 Epson CX45 洗頭後死機 Printer 燈 左右互閃. Error Meesage listed as below: Parts inside your printer are at the end of their service life. Contact your dealer for replacement. 聽講是印夠頁數後.或洗頭夠次數 部Printer 會 自動Lock唔能夠再Print. 請問有否方法救番部Printer. 唔該! 更新: 部Printer.用緊體外受精制墨水,大量墨水供應.唔會無墨. 剛完成2次墨咀測試打印,墨咀大致唱通,只有一兩行閉塞 更新 2: Thank you silentaged . I will try later 更新 3: Thank you very much silentaged It works 新高登供墨店,要收HK$50.00.to reset the counter. 更新 4: Yuyan : If you don't understand my question, you don't need to answer. I un-lock the printer with the software tool. Don;t need to bring to Epson.
用 SSC Service Utility http://www.ssclg.com/epsone.shtml 2007-04-16 09:54:49 補充: You are welcome.
可唔可以解釋點腱li個software|||||個軟件真係好掂!我部 epson C67 真的解了鎖,真唔明白Epson點解要印到一定數量就令機內晶體鎖機,部機仲好地地,真無道理!問過人需要帶部機出去俾人解鎖要收HK$150喎!所以我非常感謝你提供之軟件的幫助,省了錢外,還省了時間,多謝了。|||||once is locked ,u must bring to epson!!! 部Printer.用緊體外受精制墨水, it is not the Epson ink!! so even u bring to Epson, they can checke u use that ink, so no insurane they will help u even u pay $ to them, I suggest u bring other model like epson C79 or C45, they also have yr system's ink