what's the difference?
what's the difference between 'agree to' and 'agree on' in terms of their meaning? same case in 'know' and 'know of'? thanks
其實你用得多,你就會知道有咩分別的了。 agree to 中文為同意,多數都是用在一個人的身上。 agree to sb E.g. I agree to Max about his opinion. agree on 多數都是用在一樣東西或一項 term 上面的。 agree on sth. E.g. I agree on Max's opinion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- know 是解作「知道」 E.g I know that you are a careful person. know of 是指「知道某人或某事物的情況」 E.g. Do you know of anyway to stop a person snoring ?
Yogi的答案不太正確 agree on 意思是 "雙方 (對某一問題) 達成一致意見 Both sides agreed on a price for the house. 雙方同意這座房子的價格。 通常用於formal d 既野,如兩國達成一致意見 agree with 意思是 "同 (某人) 的意見一致,適合,符合" agree with sth 係可以 e.g. Ladies love shopping. I totally agree with it. (女士們愛購物,我對此十分認同)