TOEFL and community college
I am planning to go to US this fall. I got several questions on toefl and community colleges please help!! Thanks a lot!1) Is it too late if I'm taking TOEFL on 28/4 or 8/5? When will i get the results?2) I came across this while i was searching information on toefl... 顯示更多 I am planning to go to US this fall. I got several questions on toefl and community colleges please help!! Thanks a lot! 1) Is it too late if I'm taking TOEFL on 28/4 or 8/5? When will i get the results? 2) I came across this while i was searching information on toefl online -重要!請在試前填好你想入的大學的名,ETS之後會將成績寄去果間College for free。如果在試後3個工作天後想要佢寄成績畀大學的話,每間每次要畀USD17元正!仲要等5個禮拜! I've got some community colleges in mind but what if my toefl results aren't good or not good enough? Can I call them afterwards that I don't want my results to be sent? 3) My top choices of community colleges are : Santa Monica college, De anza college, Diable Valley College and Sierra College. Which one's the best? For transfer rates to UCs, environment, and i'd prefer less HK people. 4) When should I send out my applications? Should i wait till I've got my toefl results? Is it too late? When's the deadline for application for fall of the community colleges? 5) If i've got grade 5 which is a B in english in CE, around how many marks will i get in TOEFL? Is it tricky or hard somehow? Questions on TOEFL and CC have been bothering me a lot! I really appreciate if any of you can answer my questions and lend me some help!! Thanks again :)
I used De Anza College as the reference. 1. Kind of late as it takes about 1 month to issue the score (as they have to grade the essay manually). So the earliest, your score will not available until the beginning of June. In this case, De Anza closed for Fall on June 30. 2. No. When ETS issues the score report to you, ETS issues to your designated college as well. 3. All California community colleges are the same. Neither gives you a better advantage. Also, you can't avoid Hong Kong people in California. Last but not the least, UC transfer rate from each individual colleges is irrelevant (As UC cares about you, not your college). And hopefully, you are not trying Berkeley or Los Angeles as their admission rate for international students are less than 4%. 4. How about now? You are kind of really late in applying as most people got the offer back already. 5. No one knows. It is a different test. But for sure, you will get a satisfactory score for admission.
1) Yes, that quite late because it takes at least 15 working days for them to assess your test. Also, it takes time for ETS to mail the original cope of result to your home as well as the colleges 2)I advise u to use this service because it is free of charge ga wor! however, u cnnot cancel the order as i remember 3)actually there are many HK people in California especially de anza and foothill. 4)You need to send the material now if u really make a final decision to study in USA. u dont need to wait for the toefl result ga but u should remember to place an order of free result after registering toefl. i just remember the deadline for foothill and de anza is 30/6. 30/4 SMC?!? 5)i am sure u can get a pass in toefl or maybe higher mark. because i also got level 5 in last year's ce and i could also got a 'quite okay' mark without any practice. But i think the listening section is very very difficult as there are lectures about specific subjuct =P i will also study in college this coming fall. u are feel free to send me e mail ga =)