
How to make a persuasive speech?





Please give me some techniques to make a persuasive speech. Also, I'm a quite timid person. If I deliver a speech, will the audience feel bored? I really want to improve my oral skills. Please help me.


Because you didn’t state what kind of people of your audience are going to be, so it will be difficult to provide you with specific techniques for this speech, but I can give you some general ideas of making a persuasive speech. The following are the keys of giving a successful persuasive speech: 1. Understand the topic(s) of your speech completely. 2. Be confident and ready to answer any questions related to the topic(s). 3. Frequently make eye’s contact with your audiences. 4. Use body gesture to emphasis your point(s). 5. Use the correct tone according to your audiences. Explanation: 1.If you don’t understand what you are going to talk about, then you can’t expect your audiences to pay attention and be interested of your speech. 2.People feel more comfortable toward a person who is very confident and knowledgeable about his speech. 3.Human’s eyes are very unique and complex which express peoples’ feelings and emotions from time to time. Therefore, keep looking into your audiences’ eyes enable you to tell if they are bored or being concentrated. 4.Body gesture is the most important technique for a good persuasive speech because people used it before they learn to speak and keep using it everyday without knowing it. Also, using a gesture on an important point during a long speech helps people to remember it. 5.Know what kind of tone to use before a speech is fundamental because a tone for businessman will not be appropriate for a group of students and a tone for teenagers probably will not be a good idea to use on elders. Try it in front of a mirror and pretend your reflection is the audience, this will help your gain more confidence and able you to visualize how would you appear before the audiences. I hope this can help you because it worked for me.


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